Archives: Services

Embodied Love

Love is lifted up as central to our faith. This is not romantic or sentimental love, it is a deep and embodied love for one another and the world. Love has the power to change the world, but it must be put into action to achieve that change. Join Zoom or dial by your location. […]

Stewards of Love

This week you are invited to consider how you, how we can be stewards of love. How can we be good stewards? What does it mean to care for the church, the grounds, the members, the friends, community partners, the finances? Join Zoom or dial by your location. Zoom is open starting at 10:45 am. Meeting […]

Affirmations and Ordination

This Sunday, we have the rare opportunity to ordain our Affiliated Community Minister, E.N. Hill. The theme of the month is love and it is so appropriate as we offer loving affirmations for E.N. and his ministry in the wider world as a chaplain. Join Zoom or dial by your location. Zoom is open starting at […]

We Rise on Butterfly Wings

Inspired by the poem The Butterfly Effect by the Rev. Theresa I. Soto, we will explore how we impact the natural world and how it in turn impacts us. Let us be encouraged to find that our actions can and do make a difference. Join Zoom or dial by your location. Zoom is open starting at […]

The Fire and the Commitment

The flame that lights the chalice each week is a representation of the fire in each one of us and the faith that is shared with Unitarian Universalists around the world. When we gather in worship, it provides the opportunity to renew the spark in each one of us. Join Zoom or dial by your […]

Let the Center Hold Us

As individuals and as a faith community we are impacted by external factors. The bonds of community have the power to help ground us as we navigate the changes of life. The beauty of the living tradition which Unitarian Universalism embodies is that it grows with us while offering connection to shared values. Join Zoom […]

Finding Our Center

This week, we consider what helps us find our center through meditation. What holds you, in times of new beginnings as we enter a new year. What grounds you or provides a sense of comfort when you face challenges? Join via Zoom Meeting ID: 846 3102 3940

Centering Down

The days surrounding the New Year are often a time of reflection and resolution. For many people, it is as Rev. Dr. Howard Thurman writes, “with full intensity we seek a fresh sense of order in our living.” Join us on Sunday, January 1, 2023 as our affiliated Community Minister, E.N. Hill, invites us to “Center […]

Wonder of Community

This Sunday we will hold a nontraditional service with a couple common elements. The primary focus will be the opportunity to be in community both on zoom and in person. You are invited to share some fond/favorite holiday celebrations. Join via Zoom Meeting ID: 846 3102 3940