Speaker: Rev. E.N. Hill

Growing a Beloved Community: Part 2

Every 3rd Sunday, we invite you to GLOW Sundays, a special series inspired by Growing a Beloved Community: 12 Hallmarks to a Healthy Congregation by Tom Owen-Towle. These services aim to illuminate how we nurture a community where all feel valued, seen, and empowered to participate in our collective journey. This service will explore the […]

Celebrating Black Voices, Leading with Love

Celebrate Black History Month with a powerful, inclusive service led by Black members of the UUCT community. Experience music by DJ HeadphonzE, an engaging story-time with Mrs. Gen, poetry readings and embodied expressions by Fenix Moon and Amber Magny. Our minister, Rev. E.N. Hill will also share a reflection, grounding us in a message of […]

Growing a Beloved Community: Part I

Every 3rd Sunday, we invite you to GLOW Sundays, a special series inspired by Growing a Beloved Community: 12 Hallmarks to a Healthy Congregation by Tom Owen-Towle. Grounded in liberal religious thought and history, this visionary guide offers wisdom for building thriving UU congregations. Over the next six months, we’ll explore hallmarks such as welcoming […]

What’s Your Story?

Stories shape our lives in ways we often forget. They are not just the words we read or hear; they are the narratives we carry, the truths we live, and the forces that shape our understanding of the world. This month, as we explore the Soul Matters theme of Story, we ask: What’s your story? […]

Gifts of Presence & Presents

In this season of giving, we reflect on the gifts we offer to one another: the tangible presents we exchange and the deeper, intangible gift of our presence. How do we balance material generosity with the spiritual practice of being truly present? In this service, we’ll explore the power of attention, connection, and love as […]

Attention as the Doorway to Presence

In this service, we explore the transformative power of attention as a spiritual practice. Inspired by Henry Miller’s words on the magnificence revealed through close observation, we will reflect on how slowing down and paying attention can deepen our connection to the sacred in everyday life. From the intricate beauty of a blade of grass […]

Illuminating the Chalice: A Celebration of Our Living Tradition

Join us for an engaging exploration of our Unitarian Universalist chalice and the values it symbolizes. Inspired by the tradition of Chalica, this week-long celebration from December 1 to 8 invites us to deepen our understanding of UU history, principles, and values. Through reflection, learning, and community engagement, we honor the chalice as a beacon […]

Repairing the Ark: Growing and Leading Ourselves Toward Wholeness

This service continues our month-long focus on repair. Inspired by the idea of “repairing Noah’s ark,” we’ll explore how to make our community a stronger source of support and compassion, especially in the face of life’s storms—whether personal challenges, societal upheavals, or recent election results that may leave us feeling divided.When the world feels overwhelming, […]

Repair & Share: A Special Bread Communion

Join us this Sunday for a contemplative, family-friendly Bread Communion service as we gather to restore and soothe our hearts and minds in the wake of the election. In this space of gentle connection, we’ll share stories and questions that bring us back to a sense of calm and wholeness. Together, around the table, we’ll […]

Seizing the Chance to Repair: A Pre-Election Reflection

“As the election season approaches, we are invited to reflect on the opportunities—small and great—that arise for repair, growth, and change within our communities and within ourselves. Inspired by What Do You Do With a Chance? by Kobi Yamada and Mae Besom, this service considers the transformative power of taking risks and embracing moments of […]