Nursery Care

The nursery is open on Sunday from 9:30 AM to 1:30 PM. Childcare employees and volunteers from the congregation staff the Nursery. All staff and volunteers have successfully completed background checks.
- Parents and caregivers must remain on campus while their children are in the nursery.
- Children should be signed in and out by their parent or caregiver.
- We provide snacks, but feel free to send your child with their own snacks and drinks, we just ask that you avoid nut and nut-based products due to allergies.
- Please send your child with any diapering, sensory, or comfort supplies they may need, there are cubbies available for storage.
Children of all ages are welcome in the sanctuary for the entire service and in the nursery during the hours above. The extended hours of the nursery allow parents/caregivers to bring children early to help them acclimate; as well as offering parents/caregivers a chance to connect with other congregants and join discussions that may be scheduled before or after services. Alternatively, parents/caregivers may elect to find a quiet spot on the UUCT campus to read or meditate.
We understand that safe, reliable childcare is an important ministry of our congregation. We encourage parents and caregivers to take advantage of the time the nursery is open and feel free to drop off your kids and spend some time reading a book, connecting with fellow congregants, just sitting in silence, or whatever else fills your cup. We all need a break sometimes, and we’re glad to provide that opportunity for our families.