Speaker: Rev. E.N. Hill

Welcoming the Long Dark Night

According to various sources, Winter Solstice is an astronomical phenomenon marking the day with shortest period of daylight and the longest period night or darkness of the year. Traditionally, it is a time of both foreboding and expectancy, as the longest night leads to the return of the sun. Join us on Sunday, Dec. 17th […]

The Holidays We Keep

As December opens up before us, many turn toward holiday rituals or celebrations and search for common threads of meaning. For some, tis the season of lights and gifts. For others, the dark of winter is the season of mystery and wonder. Join us on Sunday, Dec. 3rd as we explore what this time years […]

Gratitude, Grief, & Thanksgiving Tea

For many people, Thanksgiving is a holiday that centers the sharing of food and warmth with friends and family. For others, it is a time of remembering and grieving the severe erasure of indigenous people and much of their histories. What does Thanksgiving or Thanksgrieving mean to you? How do we live in the tension […]

Exploring and Celebrating Our Practices of Generosity

Author and activist, adrianne maree brown asks, “Do you know that your existence–who and how you are–is in and of itself a contribution to the people and place around you? Do you understand that your quality of life and your survival are tied to how authentic and generous the connections are between you and the […]

Connecting to the Spirit of Ancestors

The days at the end of October and beginning of November hold a lot of significance in various cultures. Many believe that the barriers between the physical world and the spirit world are at there thinnest during this time period, allowing more interaction between humans and our beloved dead. Join us on Sunday, October 29th […]

Celebrating the Inner Child through Music

Children are the most open to expression and experience. As we grow into our adult bodies and roles within society, is it beneficial to give this up entirely? Do we have the capacity to sustain the best qualities of being child-like? Sunday services: In-person or virtually on Vimeo.Click here to view the service recording

Heritage: Moving Forward and Looking Back

In West African mythology, there’s a story of a wondrous bird, Sankofa, that flies forward while looking back. From this story, a well known Ghanaian proverb came to be: “Se wo were fi na wosankofa a yenkyi” translated to mean “It’s not taboo to go back and fetch what you forgot.” With all of the […]

The Season of Fall and Forgiveness

The wheel of the year turns and turns again. Autumn Equinox and Yom Kippur are upon us. Join us Sunday, September 24th, as we explore the intersection of these two sacred holidays and what they have to teach us about balance, forgiveness, and new seasons.  Sunday services: In-person or virtually on Vimeo.Click here to view […]

Empowered by Water

This Sunday our new contract minister, Rev. E.N. Hill, will lead us in celebrating our annual community Ingathering and Water Communion. The founders of the original water ritual chose water as a symbol of women’s empowerment in 1980. Join us as we expand their original intention in ways that empower us individually and collectively for […]

Blessed is the Journey

During the last week in June, millions of Muslims will travel to Mecca to perform Hajj- a sacred pilgrimage that is one of the five pillars of Islam. Whether with many people within a shared faith, or our own individual steps on a chosen path, spiritual journeying is a significant aspect of the human experience. I […]