Speaker: Rev. E.N. Hill

Embracing the Many Paths: A Journey Beyond One Right Way

Renown philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche once said, “You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist.” Together, we will reflect on the beauty and challenge of pluralism; the wisdom found in diverse perspectives. By embracing multiple paths and honoring each person’s […]

Embracing Interdependence: A Celebration of Shared Ministry

Poet and teacher, Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer, has said, “If it’s true we are alone, we are alone together, the way blades of grass are alone, but exist as a field.” We come together as a community bound by the belief that our interconnectedness enriches our lives and strengthens our collective spirit. This worship service will […]

Oneness & Intersectionality

Jeremy Lent, an author whose writings investigate the patterns of thought that have led our civilization to its current crisis of sustainability has said, “Our values arise from our identity.” This reflects the essence of our faith as Unitarian Universalists, urging us to transcend individualism and nationalism. Through self-reflection, we seek to dissolve barriers and […]

No One’s an Island, We’re in this Together

Drawing inspiration from the timeless words of John Donne and Howard Thurman, “No man is an island, no man lives alone,” we continue the theme of interdependence. Together we will explore the depth of personal responsibility in shaping our societal fabric and on what urges us to engage actively in the social orders we live, […]

Lean on Me

It has been said, “when members of the Native American Blackfeet tribe meet each other, they don’t ask “How are you?” Instead, they ask “How are the connections?” This month’s Soul Matters theme is Interdependence and we will be exploring the health of how our various individual and communal “connections.” How are your connections to […]

Easter, Eostre, Darkness, & Rebirth

Spring is here, tis’ the season of renewal and rebirth. Simultaneously, I also feel a resonance with Rev. Angel Kyoto William’s words that in this season, “there is something dying in our society, in our culture, and there’s something dying in us individually.” She goes on to say, ”what is dying, I think, is the […]

Change Within Reach

This Sunday, we continue our exploration of Soul Matters theme of Change and Transformation. Mestiza-Latina, author, and activist, Clarissa Pinkola Estes, has written, “Ours is not the task of fixing the entire world all at once, but of stretching out to mend the part of the world that is within our reach… What is needed […]

70 Years of Peace, Love, and Justice

In a time when Florida’s legislation is attacking the rights and dignity of transgender people, a 70 year old Unitarian Universalist church, not far from the state’s capital, has hired their first Black and openly Transgender minister. This is the same church that world-renown scholar, author, and Professor Emeritus at FSU, Dr. William R. Jones […]

What Does Justice Mean to You?

Bryan Stevenson, African American lawyer, activist, professor, author, and the founder of the Equal Justice Initiative, has defined justice as “getting close enough to people… who’ve been discarded and disfavored… to wrap your arms around them and affirm their humanity and their dignity.” Stevenson’s quote is a reflection of Unitarian Universalist principles in action and […]

Barriers to Justice & Equity

Today’s service continues our connection to UU Soul Matters themes and will be exploring the topic of Justice & Equity. Feminist and political activist Angela Davis is famously quoted for her inversion of Al-Anon’s serenity prayer, “I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I am changing the things I cannot accept.” Many […]