Archives: Services

You Are Not Alone

We have so much work to do in our homes, our community, our world. The work of social justice takes its toll on us every time we turn on the news or read a headline. How can we sustain hope when the world seems too overwhelming? History and science can help remind you that you […]

Composting for Spiritual Growth

What changes have your beliefs and practices undergone in the course of your life? You have likely come this place and time by numerous transformations. In this interactive presentation, chaplain and lay theologian, David Wheeler shows how composting our beliefs and practices can fertilize our spiritual growth and evolution. To fully participate, bring something compostable. […]

Liberating Love: I Wanna See You Be Brave!

This Sunday, we continue our connection to UU Soul Matters themes and will be exploring the topic of Liberating Love. Author and activist James Baldwin has said, “Love takes off the masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within.” As we enter into this new year, let us begin […]

New Year’s Hopes and Fears

We will bring in the New Year with rituals to release our fears and share our hopes, accompanied by inspirational readings and music. Sunday services: In-person or virtually on Vimeo.Click here to view the service recording

All Church Holiday Pageant

All-Church Christmas PageantThis is an Multi-Generational All-Church Service; WE NEED YOUR PARTICIPATIONCome one, come all! Join the joy of a Justice-Themed Christmas pageant! This event will feature congregational singing and a Unitarian Universalist reinterpretation of the story of Christmas with its core message of peace and love. No acting experience necessary. ALL ages joyfully welcome.We […]

Mystery of Festivus

Have any of you heard about Festivus? It’s an alternative holiday that is based on an episode of the t.v. show Seinfeld, “The Strike,” in December 1997. This humorous and unusual holiday is commonly celebrated December 23rd as a secular tradition centering family and good cheer. Festivus celebrations would often include a bare pole wrapped […]

Welcoming the Long Dark Night

According to various sources, Winter Solstice is an astronomical phenomenon marking the day with shortest period of daylight and the longest period night or darkness of the year. Traditionally, it is a time of both foreboding and expectancy, as the longest night leads to the return of the sun. Join us on Sunday, Dec. 17th […]

Play as Resistance

Play has always been and will always be a powerful form of resistance in a society which equates productivity with labor and capital. Come rediscover the importance, freedom, joy, and pleasure of play! Sunday services: In-person or virtually on Vimeo.Click here to view the service recording

The Holidays We Keep

As December opens up before us, many turn toward holiday rituals or celebrations and search for common threads of meaning. For some, tis the season of lights and gifts. For others, the dark of winter is the season of mystery and wonder. Join us on Sunday, Dec. 3rd as we explore what this time years […]

How Can We Love and Change Our World?

Complaining and blaming are natural responses to feelings of fear and anger. This service will explore how we can lovingly enter our peaceful center, connect with those who see the world differently, co-create shared solutions and all celebrate more sustainable, satisfying lives. Sunday services: In-person or virtually on Vimeo.Click here to view the service recording