Pastoral Care

Life brings us all joys and sorrows, hopes and worries. Caring for one another is part of being in covenant, it is a core spiritual practice for Unitarian Universalists. Pastoral care is the term we use for the ways we offer support and compassion to each other in the community. We promote offering pastoral care to all ages knowing that it can be as simple as making a phone call, text or email to check in with one another or as challenging as helping someone who is in crisis, isolated or in need of assistance.
Our minister is available for the pastoral care needs of members and friends. Rev. Holly Brown works with the Care Coordinator, to assist members and friends going through major life transitions–happy ones such as weddings and child dedications, as well as difficult ones like the death or illness of loved ones, divorce, and other trying circumstances. The Care Coordinator sends cards, makes calls, and helps coordinate meals and rides for those in need of a little more care.
Schedule an appointment for pastoral care by emailing
In an emergency, such as sudden hospitalization, death, accident, or spiritual/emotional stress please contact our minister Rev. Holly Brown 850-739-1930 (call or text) or email