Archives: Services

The Radical Art of Letting Go

“When one door closes another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us” – Alexander Graham Bell “Let it Go!” We often hear that, from self-help gurus to the animated star of Frozen. But what does it […]

Brick by Brick: A Labor Day Celebration Honoring Contribution, Balancing Productivity with Healing, and Giving Voice to Vocational Justice

“Work Hard, Play Hard”. Is it healthy or helpful to go as hard as we do? This Labor Day, we play and party while considering what’s at the core of workforce philosophies. We seek to celebrate achievement, honor personal sacrifice in striving for success, balance productivity with restorative healing, and endeavor awareness and action towards […]

Compassion Through Action

Each year, the Unitarian Universalist Association General Assembly brings together delegates for decision making, fellowship, worship, and learning. It is the big picture of Unitarian Universalism, complete with wonderful discoveries and deep-cutting differences. This year, voting delegates made a first attempt to formally change the Principles set out in Article II, which we commonly refer […]

New Year’s in August

In ancient times, the Egyptians celebrated their new year when the star Sirius first rose in the morning before the sun, which coincided with the annual Nile flood. In ancient Egypt, everything depended on the Nile flood so that they could grow their crops and the economy could sustain itself. Modern-day Kemetics celebrate the New […]

There is More Love Somewhere: A Gospel of Universalism

Unitarian Universalists trace our history lineage back to two Christian denominations, which most contemporary Christians considered heretical: Unitarians and Universalists. Itself having deep roots in Christianity, Universalism teaches that, in God’s infinite love, all will be saved; there is no forever hell awaiting sinners. A gospel indeed! Since not all UUs today identify as Christian, […]

We are the Church and the Church is Us

These are challenging times for churches and UUCT is no exception. When Maggie, Annette and Debbie decided to prepare a Sunday service, UUCT did not have a DRE or Minister. Since those dark days, a DRE has been recruited and plans to start working mid August and a Contract Minister has indicated interest in working […]

Saying Goodbye

What does it mean to say goodbye to our ministry together? Today we will honor our leavetaking of one another through a ritual releasing us from our covenants with one another. Recognizing that our journey is parting course and that we will continue to carry a little bit of one another representing this time where […]

In Community: Outgoing/Incoming Board Recognition Service

The importance of community is even stronger during times of change. UUCT is going through many changes this summer. As part of this service we offer our thanks to the outgoing members of the Board and offer blessings for those serving on the Board in the coming year. Sunday services: In-person or virtually on Vimeo.Click […]