Archives: Services

70 Years of Peace, Love, and Justice

In a time when Florida’s legislation is attacking the rights and dignity of transgender people, a 70 year old Unitarian Universalist church, not far from the state’s capital, has hired their first Black and openly Transgender minister. This is the same church that world-renown scholar, author, and Professor Emeritus at FSU, Dr. William R. Jones […]

Finding Meaning

Most of us want our lives to have mattered. We want to have been contributors, however small, to the world around us. Meaning adds a crucial element to our existence. It goes beyond the material, beyond comfort, beyond happiness, to a deeper level of being. It reaches past our personal needs and gives something to […]

What Does Justice Mean to You?

Bryan Stevenson, African American lawyer, activist, professor, author, and the founder of the Equal Justice Initiative, has defined justice as “getting close enough to people… who’ve been discarded and disfavored… to wrap your arms around them and affirm their humanity and their dignity.” Stevenson’s quote is a reflection of Unitarian Unversalist principles in action and […]

Environmental Justice and Meaningful Engagement

This Sunday, join Greg DeAngelo as he provides a historical background of the environmental justice (EJ) movement and shares some thoughts regarding how regulatory agencies have recently been emphasizing EJ concerns. He’ll also showcase some EJ-related tools and offer suggestions on how to meaningfully engage in local environmental decision making. Sunday services: In-person or virtually […]

Justice & Equity

Today’s service continues our connection to UU Soul Matters themes and will be exploring the topic of Justice & Equity. Feminist and politcal activist Angela Davis is famously quoted for her inversion of Al-Anon’s serenity prayer, “I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I am changing the things I cannot accept.” Many […]

Liberation at the Intersection of Love and Power

Today’s service returns us to the theme of Liberating Love and continues the conversation on love as a gift that can inspire bravery. Many would agree that Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Is a great example of a leader that believed in the liberating power of love. MLK is famously quoted in saying, “Power […]

You Are Not Alone

We have so much work to do in our homes, our community, our world. The work of social justice takes its toll on us every time we turn on the news or read a headline. How can we sustain hope when the world seems too overwhelming? History and science can help remind you that you […]

Composting for Spiritual Growth

What changes have your beliefs and practices undergone in the course of your life? You have likely come this place and time by numerous transformations. In this interactive presentation, chaplain and lay theologian, David Wheeler shows how composting our beliefs and practices can fertilize our spiritual growth and evolution. To fully participate, bring something compostable. […]

Liberating Love: I Wanna See You Be Brave!

This Sunday, we continue our connection to UU Soul Matters themes and will be exploring the topic of Liberating Love. Author and activist James Baldwin has said, “Love takes off the masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within.” As we enter into this new year, let us begin […]

New Year’s Hopes and Fears

We will bring in the New Year with rituals to release our fears and share our hopes, accompanied by inspirational readings and music. Sunday services: In-person or virtually on Vimeo.Click here to view the Vimeo Live Services