Archives: Services

Relationship to Normal

There is NO such thing as normal, not really. What some of us experience as “normal” would be chaos to others. More often when we say we want normalcy, we are really saying we want things to be how they were when we as an individual were comfortable.

Relationship with Wholeness

The journey to find wholeness both within one’s self and in a supportive community can be challenging for many people. That challenge is magnified for LGBTQIA individuals. Society far too often struggles to understand or support Trans, Queer, Intersex, and Asexual people. Living authentically and sharing one’s whole self publicly can be dangerous and at […]

Singing the Song of Myself

How do you relate to yourself? How are you in harmony with your values through your service to others? Through a purely fictional children’s story I invite you to explore who we are, the songs we sing about ourselves, and the metaphors that lead us to a meaningful life. We will be sharing the service through Zoom and Facebook Live from […]

Accountability Is About Relationship

When we say we are welcoming and anti-racist, how do we live into those relationships? Saying it is different than living it out through our actions when visitors or long-time members engage in the community. Are we willing to decenter whiteness in worship? Let’s start by reimaging what worship can be and consider moving beyond our […]

Because we need one another

It has been said that it takes a village to raise a child. This represents how we need one another, as families (chosen or birth) and faith communities. During the pandemic we have learned new ways to be in community with one another and it has heightened our awareness of just how important community is […]

Embracing Possibility

Each day we are met with the gift of possibility, of choice. The choices we make have the power to define us and how we live in the world. What will you do with your gifts?

Water is Life

This Sunday, as we hold the annual Water Communion, Angel and Rev. Holly will be live-streaming to zoom from the sanctuary. The Water Communion and Ingathering represent the possibilities of a new church year. Water is an essential part of life as it nurtures and connects us to one another and to the planet. Each drop of water […]

The Labor of Co-creation

Labor Day typically focuses on the American Labor Movement and the work that people provide that benefits US commerce. As a religious community you are invited into a space of co-creation with one another and working for the greater good. Let us celebrate the labor of love and building community.

Covenant and the Living Tradition

Unitarian Universalism is a living tradition that is held together by the covenants or promises we make with one another. The beauty of the living tradition is that it changes and adapts with us. As we learn more and grow, our faith changes with us.


Change is one of the few things in life that is a constant from the moment life begins to when it ends. While we cannot stop change, we can to some extent decide how we respond to it. However, unexpected feelings and reactions can arise from change including grief for what was or what we […]