Archives: Services

Where Do We Wonder?

Where do you find wonder, in nature, in community, in faith, in covenant? As a faith tradition we uphold the free and response for truth and meaning in our 4th Principle. This principle speaks to where and perhaps how we wonder, to how we make meaning. As part of this service, Rev Holly invites all […]

The Wonder of Wondering

Have you ever wondered where our different practices as UUs come from? Some are completely unique to UUs such as the chalice in the ways we use it while others have borrowed things from other faith traditions. There can be a fine line between honoring someone else’s traditions and appropriating them as our own.

The Roots of Change

Inspired by the words of Howard Zinn, let us consider the ways our small actions, forms of protest have the ability to take root and create social change.

The Tipping Point

There comes a time when we must acknowledge the cultural shifts happening around us. Some of these shifts are in the narratives we share during this season that call us to let go of harmful narratives that perpetuate colonialism.

Change as a Throughline

The science fiction writer Octavia Butler penned the fictional religion of Earthseed, in which the central tenet is that God is Change. Change is a constant presence in our human experience, even as we sometimes resist. Let’s explore what rituals and frameworks help us navigate change in our everyday lives as well as grapple with […]

The Churn of Change

Things are always changing and that can at times be scary, but we need not be ruled by our fears. We can move into this liminal time with hope and imagination.

The Masks We Wear

Today we invite folks to wear their Halloween costumes if they would like to do so. We will explore the ways we wear masks and the courage to allow others to see beyond those masks. This service will be multigenerational and as such will have more interactive elements throughout the service. You are invited to […]

Choose Courage

It would be easier to remain in our individual and congregational comfort zone, but that is not how we grow. For real and lasting change to take root, we must choose courage.

Being Courageous

What comes to mind when you hear someone called courageous? Love and vulnerability are acts of courage. We can be courageous with one another in ways that don’t require feats of strength or facing physically dangerous situations.

On Curiosity, A Sacred Rite

Many faith traditions hold oneness with the universe as the deepest and most fundamental religious pursuit. This sermon will propose that curiosity is an important and meaningful means of connecting with the universe – a truly sacred rite that both the sages of the ages and children alike have mastery. Through practical steps and personal […]