Children, youth and adult leaders holding their Black Lives Matter banner
Black Lives Matter banner made and held up by children, youth and adults

Our majority white congregation is in the process of making intentional commitments and changes to more fully live into our commitment to racial justice. We have a long history of supporting efforts for desegregation, and multiculturalism. Currently, there are several UUCT groups actively focused on racial justice work or in nurturing anti-racist, anti-oppressive ways of promoting dignity and interdependence.

Black, Indigenous People of Color (BIPOC) Meetup

Members, friends, and visitors who are people of color at UUCT are welcome to our monthly meetup, a supportive group for exploring the intersections of our faith, racial identities, and liberation.

Tallahassee BLUU Haven

The Tallahassee BLUU Haven chapter is a Black sacred space for Black Unitarian Universalists to be in community together. The group focuses on centering ourselves and our spiritual needs in a world that often doesn’t. We facilitate this by planning events, picnics, movie nights and much more!

Capital Area Justice Ministry

UUCT is a congregational member of the Capital Area Justice Ministry (CAJM).  This coalition of diverse religious congregations works to build a powerful movement to end segregation and poverty, and advance justice and opportunity for all.

Member congregations collaborate to choose which community problems to tackle. Individuals from the congregations participate in research teams to identify what initiatives are working and what needs to change. The process culminates with a large assembly, where CAJM presents specific proposals to local officials and asks for their support.

If you’d like to get involved, please contact

Recent Posts on Racial Justice issues

  • Even To Question, Truly Is An Answer *

    Even To Question, Truly Is An Answer *

    As a congregation, we set our intention last May to work towards building a diverse multicultural Beloved Community that works to dismantle racism. Does that sound too big a job for our small community of communities? Are you wondering how we will do this? What will change? Where should we start? The 8th Principle group…

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  • Centering BIPOC Voices: January and February Book Discussions

    Centering BIPOC Voices: January and February Book Discussions

    For our January 14th meeting, the Centering BIPOC Voices Book Group will discuss South to America: A Journey South of the Mason-Dixon to Understand the Soul of a Nation by Imani Perry (HarperCollins Publishers, 2022). Perry, a professor of African American Studies at Princeton University, recently won the 2022 National Book Award for Nonfiction for the book. It is the story…

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  • Coming Soon: A UUCT Common Read on UU Congregations and Multiculturalism

    Coming Soon: A UUCT Common Read on UU Congregations and Multiculturalism

    UUCT members, friends, frequent visitors, and others interested, plan now to participate in a congregation-wide reading and discussion of the book: Mistakes and Miracles: Congregations on the Road to Multiculturalism. Small discussion groups will begin in late February or March and meet for four 90-minute sessions. The book, which is also the Unitarian Universalist Association 2022-2023…

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  • What Difference Can the 8th Principle Make at UUCT?

    What Difference Can the 8th Principle Make at UUCT?

    There is no simple formula on how a congregation should begin living into the 8th Principle. There is no one right way to work at building a diverse multicultural Beloved Community, no simple answer as to how to dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions. It is up to us as individuals…

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  • ARE@UUCT’s Changing Role

    ARE@UUCT’s Changing Role

    Now that the congregation has adopted the 8th Principle, the Allies for Racial Equity group (ARE@UUCT) is stepping back from our very active role last year in informing the congregation about the 8th principle. A new group is forming to focus on UUCT’s work after adoption: the journey to live into the 8th principle. Several members…

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  • To the Congregation: An Appreciation

    To the Congregation: An Appreciation

    Allies for Racial Equity, ARE@UUCT, thanks the congregation for engaging with the 8th Principle over the past nine months. We thank UUCT members for adopting the principle as a congregation at the Annual Meeting on May 22. Quite a few other congregations adopted the principle in May, with the total number of adoptions by UU…

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  • Beyond Welcome Discussion Series

    Beyond Welcome Discussion Series

    Rev. Holly Brown and Robin Gray invite you to join in any or all of five sessions to inspire building the Beloved Community in our midst. Saturdays at 2:00 PM – May 7 to June 4, UUCT Campus Wednesdays at 6:30 PM – May 11 to June 8, Zoom Each session will require only about…

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  • Why We Should Adopt the 8th Principle as It Is Written

    Why We Should Adopt the 8th Principle as It Is Written

    At our annual Congregational Meeting on May 22nd, UUCT members will vote on adopting the 8th Principle: “We, the members of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Tallahassee, covenant to affirm and promote: journeying toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community by our actions that accountably dismantle racism and other oppressions…

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