Racial Justice

Our majority white congregation is in the process of making intentional commitments and changes to more fully live into our commitment to racial justice. We have a long history of supporting efforts for desegregation, and multiculturalism. Currently, there are several UUCT groups actively focused on racial justice work or in nurturing anti-racist, anti-oppressive ways of promoting dignity and interdependence.
Black, Indigenous People of Color (BIPOC) Meetup
Members, friends, and visitors who are people of color at UUCT are welcome to our monthly meetup, a supportive group for exploring the intersections of our faith, racial identities, and liberation.
Tallahassee BLUU Haven
The Tallahassee BLUU Haven chapter is a Black sacred space for Black Unitarian Universalists to be in community together. The group focuses on centering ourselves and our spiritual needs in a world that often doesn’t. We facilitate this by planning events, picnics, movie nights and much more!
Capital Area Justice Ministry
UUCT is a congregational member of the Capital Area Justice Ministry (CAJM). This coalition of diverse religious congregations works to build a powerful movement to end segregation and poverty, and advance justice and opportunity for all.
Member congregations collaborate to choose which community problems to tackle. Individuals from the congregations participate in research teams to identify what initiatives are working and what needs to change. The process culminates with a large assembly, where CAJM presents specific proposals to local officials and asks for their support.
If you’d like to get involved, please contact CAJM@uutallahassee.org.