Kearney Center
The Kearney Center provides 24-hour comprehensive emergency services to individuals experiencing or on-the-verge of experiencing homelessness within the Big Bend (8-county) region. This facility serves as a point of entry into assistance by coordinating services and responding to the immediate needs of individuals and families until appropriate permanent housing can be arranged.

“Our mission is to provide temporary emergency shelter and housing-focused services, with the goal of making homelessness rare, brief, and nonrecurring. In service to this mission, we are committed to providing a safe environment that promotes dignity and respect.”
UUCT has long supported Kearney Center, by providing both financial support and volunteer workers. In years past we have provided dinners, served meals, and assisted with kitchen cleanup. Since the COVID pandemic began, the Kearney Center has had to make adjustments. First they had to close their doors and re-house people in motel rooms. When they re-opened they did not allow volunteers until it was safe. Now there are many volunteer opportunities and ways to donate needed items.