Online Payments
Save paper and your volunteer treasurers’ time! Please choose either Venmo or PayPal below for your donation. You can use a debit or credit card or a bank account. Thank you!

You can now make one-time donations to UUCT with Venmo! Remember to enter what the donation is for such as “Pledge” or “Share the Plate”. Venmo Instruction Video
Venmo charges $0.10 per transaction + 1.9% of the amount of the transaction. Please consider adding 2% to your gift to off-set this fee – note that you did so before you click “Pay” to help out our volunteer treasurers.
You can now make one-time or recurring donations to UUCT with PayPal! Be sure to choose an appropriate item from the list, or choose “Other” and type a note saying what the donation is for. PayPal Instruction Video
PayPal charges $0.49 per transaction plus 1.99% of the amount of the transaction. Consider checking the “Cover the Fees” box on your donation to offset the fee exactly – to the penny.
Payment Online Using Bank-Generated Check
Through Billpay at your bank or credit union, you can authorize your institution to automatically print and send monthly checks to UUCT drawn from your account. It is cost-free to UUCT and may be cost-free to you as well (check with your bank or credit union). If possible, have your bank enter instructions on the memo-line such as “Pledge” or “Split the Plate”.
Payment by Personal Check or Cash
You can make donations and pledge payments with personal checks or cash. Always note on the check memo line or cash envelope if the check or cash is for your pledge.