Speaker: Rev. E.N. Hill

Repair & Share: A Special Bread Communion

Join us this Sunday for a contemplative, family-friendly Bread Communion service as we gather to restore and soothe our hearts and minds in the wake of the election. In this space of gentle connection, we’ll share stories and questions that bring us back to a sense of calm and wholeness. Together, around the table, we’ll […]

Seizing the Chance to Repair: A Pre-Election Reflection

“As the election season approaches, we are invited to reflect on the opportunities—small and great—that arise for repair, growth, and change within our communities and within ourselves. Inspired by What Do You Do With a Chance? by Kobi Yamada and Mae Besom, this service considers the transformative power of taking risks and embracing moments of […]

Deep Listening: If These Walls Could Talk

This service continues our exploration the practice of deep listening. What if the walls of our lives could speak? What stories would they share about moments when we truly listened—not just to the voices around us, but to the quiet wisdom within? Through music, reflection, and engagement we will consider how listening deeply helps us […]

Listening Our Way Home

Deep listening is more than just a tool for gathering information; it is a sacred act that shapes the world around us. In this service, we’ll explore how listening isn’t only a guide through life’s challenges, but a transformative practice that shapes who we are and how we connect with others. Through stories, spiritual wisdom, […]

Reimagine Together! From an Extractive Age to a New Era – UU Climate Justice Revival

Join us for a special UU Climate Justice Revival Service as we come together to reimagine a future of collective liberation and environmental justice. Through worship, conversation, and action, we’ll explore how we can transform our communities and move from an extractive age toward a more sustainable, spirit-filled world. With resources and guides for all […]

Love Thy Neighbor: Inviting in “The Stranger”

Inspired by Valerie Kaur’s book *See No Stranger*, this worship service invites us to expand our imaginings and understanding of love, community, and inclusion. Kaur’s message of revolutionary love calls us to see others as part of ourselves, and to actively welcome and embrace difference. In this service, we explore what it means to widen […]

Holy Disruption: Invitation to Renewed Perspective

What if the divine is found in the very moments that disrupt our carefully laid plans and challenge our deepest assumptions? Inspired by Carl Jung’s reflection on God as the force that upends our lives, this service invites us to embrace these holy disruptions. We will explore how moments of upheaval and discomfort can be […]

Ingathering & Water Communion

Join us for our annual Ingathering and Water Communion, a beloved Unitarian Universalist tradition that began in 1980 as a ritual of empowerment. This year, we are excited to collaborate with Robert Allen of Rhythmic Roots for a special service that incorporates sound healing. This addition will honor the origins of the Water Communion and […]

Buddhist Dragon Girl: A Journey of Renewal and Transformation

Join us for an uplifting journey of renewal and transformation, inspired by the wisdom of Buddhism and the extraordinary story of the Dragon Girl. Rev. E.N. will share personal reflections on how the text of the Lotus Sutra served as a catalyst for their own spiritual growth, inviting us to reflect on texts or teachings […]

Renewing Questions: Faith’s Call to Reflection & Joy

Join us this Sunday for a multigenerational worship service, inspired by Rev. Scott Tayler’s insightful words: “To be a people of renewal is to ask not simply, ‘How do I refresh?’ but also ‘How do I return?’ The challenge of life is not just about moving forward but moving forward without losing touch with all […]