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    Why Is the 8th Principle So Long?

    Why Is the 8th Principle So Long?

    I first heard about the proposed 8th Principle almost two years ago. My first impression was that it seemed long and complicated compared to the other seven principles! But as I continued the journey to understand more about my own white privilege and complicity in upholding systemic racism and other oppressions, I came to see that…

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    Holding History

    Holding History

    Message from the Minister Greetings Beloveds, Join me for a drop by event on the veranda on November 3 between 10 am – Noon or on November 7th between 2 pm – 4 pm. I want to learn about the history of the church from your perspective. What was one (or a few) really important moment(s) in your relationship with the church? Some of the stories shared on the timeline will be…

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    Pillars of Systemic Equity

    Pillars of Systemic Equity

    As UUCT engages in the process of adopting an 8th Principle it is important to understand what the mission really is. Rather than thinking about dismantling racism and other oppressions, as stated in the 8th Principle, we can think about it in positive terms like the ACLU does and think of it as building systemic…

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    The 8th Principle and Challenges Past, Present, & Future

    The 8th Principle and Challenges Past, Present, & Future

    It’s not easy being a Unitarian Universalist. We don’t pledge to believe a set of beliefs. We affirm and promote ‘a free and responsible search for truth and meaning’.  And we do it for all of our lives. Years ago, I grew up in the Universalist Church of North Attleboro, MA. The Universalists had freed…

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    The 8th Principle ≠ an 11th Commandment!

    The 8th Principle ≠ an 11th Commandment!

    Are you feeling as if adopting the proposed 8th Principle is like adding an 11th Commandment? Some UUs have that reaction. Our seven principles express our covenant with other congregations in the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). A vital aspect of our living tradition is that our covenants are not set in stone. We can decide,…

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    Making Connections with the 8th Principle

    Making Connections with the 8th Principle

    Many of the books we’ve read for the book group Centering Black, Indigenous and People of Color Voices have helped to expand my thinking about the 8th Principle. The first that comes to mind, however, is a book we read together many months ago, “How to Be an Antiracist” by Ibram X. Kendi. The book…

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  • Why I Think We Need an 8th Principle 

    Why I Think We Need an 8th Principle 

    Aren’t our UU Seven Principles enough? For me, the answer is no. We Unitarian Universalists have been talking about and committing ourselves to becoming a multicultural, anti-racist, anti-oppressive movement for years. But progress has been incredibly slow. The culture and practices in most of our congregations, including UUCT, are still very white-centered despite our aspirations…

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    Equity – The Case for D.C. Statehood

    Equity – The Case for D.C. Statehood

    Washington, D.C., is the only national capital in the democratic world whose citizens do not have equal voting and representation rights. The denial of representation is and overt act of voter suppression with racist roots in the Reconstruction. The district’s more than 700,000 residents – the majority of whom are Black and Brown – are…

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    Who We Are: A Chronicle of Racism in America

    Who We Are: A Chronicle of Racism in America

    Excerpted from the Fall 2021 ACLU Magazine – Jay Fernandez There’s a new documentary out that has yet to be released. It’s title is “Who We Are: A Chronicle of Racism in America”. It’s written by and features former ACLU Deputy Legal Director Jeffery Robinson. Jeffery Robinson has spent 10 years delivering a powerful, deeply…

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    Deepening Relationship

    Deepening Relationship

    Message from the Minister Beloved Members and Friends, Over the next few months, there will be a monthly theme. We will begin in October with the theme deepening relationship. This will be evident in some of the services as well as in the interim work. There will be several opportunities to share your thoughts with me and the Committee on Ministry Interim Transition Team. Some of the opportunities will explore the history of the church through the stories you share.…

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    The New Battle for Voting Rights And the 8th Principle

    The New Battle for Voting Rights And the 8th Principle

    In the wake of record turnout in the 2020 general election, state legislators around the country have pushed more than 380 bills to create new voting barriers that disproportionately disenfranchise Black, Latinx, and Native American voters. Amplifying the threat is a disappointing Supreme Court decision in Brnovich v Democratic National Committee that upheld voting restrictions…

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    Speed of Trust

    Speed of Trust

    Message from the Minister Hello Beloveds, I have had the honor and pleasure of meeting many of you virtually and a few in person over the last couple weeks. I look forward to meeting more of you and learning about you as individuals and as a church over the next few months. This period of getting to know you is essential to the interim work we…

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