
As Unitarian Universalists, we are called to make a positive difference in our wider communities. We work to serve, to raise awareness, and to support and partner with people who face injustice. We advocate, organize, and act for justice to live out the values of our faith. Our work for a better world calls us to harness love’s power to stop oppression.
“Never forget that justice is what love looks like in public.” — Cornel West
Our current Social Justice programs include:
- Social Justice Outreach: UUCT’s “Share-the-Plate” program, which splits the Sunday plate collection with service agencies nominated and then voted on by congregants.
- Racial Justice
- Community Care Opportunities: Shelter Meals program, Manna on Meridian
- Support for UUSC (UU Service Committee) and UU-UNO (UU United Nations Office).
- Collaboration with UU Justice Florida