Food for Thought- A Healthier You, A Healthier Planet
Food for Thought is a group of us from UUCT gathering once a month to discuss our diets and the impact our diets make on our health, the planet, the people of our earth, and on the animals used in food production. During our time together, we will support each other in our food journeys and learn together by viewing videos, reading articles, sharing recipes, and having fruitful discussions. FFT usually meets the second Sunday of each month 12:30 PM – 2:00 PM at UUCT in Room L. Child-care will be provided upon request. If you’re not on our Food for Thought email list, please contact Linda Oaksford at foodforthought@uutallahassee.org.
Current UUCT Guidelines for in person gatherings will be followed when meeting on UUCT grounds.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 883 7653 0572
Passcode: chalice