Board Notes ─ February 2023

Have you considered serving as a delegate to the annual UU Association General Assembly? The dates are June 21-25, 2023; online participation is available if you can’t commit to a trip to Pittsburgh! Find more information about General Assembly at: 

A Business-Only Virtual registration to GA is free. Delegates signed up as business-only have access to informative discussions about the votes as well as the ability to cast votes. I served as a delegate last year and was surprised to enjoy the voting workshops; not overwhelming, not boring. Contact the board soon if you’d like to be one of three voting delegates representing UUCT:

No quorum! Lacking a quorum is one situation that a larger board rarely experiences. For the current fiscal year the congregation voted to reduce the board from ten members (quorum, six), to six for the “year of governmental experimentation.” The quorum is now five, so when more than one member is absent, as happened for the February meeting, the board cannot vote.

The board discussed one motion, a recommendation by the Finance Committee “to authorize relocation expenses for a Minister should the current ministerial search result in a hire, not to exceed $10,000, and to fund this from the Reserve Fund.” Since the meeting, by an email poll, the board unanimously agreed to the motion. The motion will be on the consent agenda at the March meeting, for the official vote.

Other board discussions centered on security and safety on the church grounds; the recent congregational meeting; the soon-to-be-advertised tech position; the role of the board in setting policies and long-range planning; and board participation in a future “Engagement Sunday.” Engagement Sundays are opportunities for you to learn more about the church. The board will host the after-service social time that day, both in-person and online, giving you the chance to ask questions or offer suggestions.

I’m including a link to January’s board minutes and financial reports, noting that these are yet-to-be-approved, and will be voted on at the March meeting!