Board Minutes: July 2024

Thursday, July 25, 2024 (Hybrid Meeting)

6:30PM – 7:35PM

Board-Member Attendees: Chase Den Beste, Marty Beech, Annette Pearce, Alden Hutchison, Kim Ross, Sally Andersen.  Invited Attendees: Mo T., Adriane Pitt, Alessandra Nysether-Santos, Linda Wright

1-3. The meeting began with opening words and the lighting of the chalice, followed by a check-in with all members. The agenda was reviewed and adjusted as necessary, and an update on closed sessions was provided.

4. The consent agenda, which included the minutes and finance reports for May and June 2024, was approved. 

5. An update was given regarding the interim music leader position, with job position criteria being developed and a team set to be formed. The guest musician currently assisting with music will be available until mid-August and might continue afterward. Questions arose about the plans for the choir, background checks, and the guest musician’s experience. Further discussion on this topic was suggested.

6. During staff discussions, questions were raised about the roles and expectations for board liaisons. The aim is to create advocates for staff. It was recommended to review staff job descriptions for clarity and alignment with responsibilities, and there was a mention of the need to reinvigorate staff support teams. A temporary solution for immediate needs was suggested, and reviewing job descriptions. 

The value of a staff retreat for grounding and covenant-making was emphasized, with requests for help in funding and coding receipts for the retreat. Support for the retreat was expressed.

The importance of ensuring staff and congregant safety was highlighted. A suggestion was made to establish a more serious safety committee, review UUA safety materials, and seek further guidance.

7-8. A proposal was made to update the authorized signatories by removing individuals and adding new ones. Motion to adopt resolution to make these changes. This was approved unanimously. Additionally, credit cards were authorized for various individuals.

There was also a discussion about waiving bylaw term limits for a finance team individual, but it was noted that this requires a congregation vote and thus could not be resolved by the board.

9. The August Board Meeting was rescheduled to August 29, 2024, and the Board Retreat was scheduled for September 14, 2024, from 12 to 4:30 PM. 

10. Appreciation was extended to staff who attended and provided insights before the meeting moved into closed sessions.