Sunday services: In-person or virtually on Vimeo.
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Exploring Meanings of DEI

In this lay-led service, we will explore the meaning of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) through a Unitarian Universalist lens. What do these values truly ask of us as individuals and as a faith community? How do they call us to deepen our commitment to justice and belonging? We are honored to welcome Rabbi Catriel […]

UU Church of Tallahassee 71st Birthday Celebration

Join us in celebrating the 71st anniversary of our Unitarian Universalist Church of Tallahassee! On this multigenerational Sunday, our worship will look a little bit like a birthday party. Bring your birthday hats and noisemakers! Wear your festive clothes! We will celebrate the 71st solar return of our sacred church community that started as a […]