African American leadership and allies in the UUA wrote the 8th Principle; Black Lives of UU (BLUU) and Diverse Revolutionary UU Multicultural Ministries (DRUUM) endorsed the 8th Principle, as written. Out of respect for its originators, we feel that our energies are best focused on understanding the wisdom and intention of this principle, rather than how the words are put together. The wording specifically expresses the need for accountable action because the current seven principles have not resulted in significant changes in the UUA or its congregations regarding racism. The unified support of UU churches nationwide through adopting the 8th Principle, as worded, demonstrates to the UUA the importance of the ideas expressed by the principle. The Article II Commission will decide how to incorporate the intent of the 8th Principle into its proposals. Their recommendations will be discussed and voted on at a future General Assembly where all UU churches can democratically participate.
Why are we voting on this specific wording?