Uncommon Approach to the Common Read: Mistakes and Miracles: Congregations on the Road to Multiculturalism

Stylized drawing of three rows of three different faces drawn.

Each year the UU Common Read gives Unitarian Universalists a shared focus for reflection and action. Usually the entire congregation is invited to join a single study action group and to share what people learned.

At UUCT we are inviting people to engage with this book in a variety of ways in the next few months. Read the book, listen to the audio version, get the Kindle e-book, or watch a video about the book. Pick the way that appeals to you the most and join a group to discuss with others.

Some people will choose to read all of the book, some will want to focus on a few chapters. It’s up to you or your group to decide. There is a UUA Study Guide that is designed for four sessions and an abbreviated version of the Study Guide that can be done in a single session.

Several UUCT groups are already planning to discuss what they learned and how it might apply in our own congregation. Other groups are in the process of deciding when and how they will participate.

A few paperback copies are still available for UUCT folks to borrow. Please contact Trudy or Rev. Holly if you want to sign up for one. If you want to own a copy, you can purchase from Kindle or from one of the many sources for audiobooks. There are also video summaries. Contact the 8th Principle Planning Team for more details: Anna Bethea, Trudy Deyle, Robin Gray, Rosa Morgan, or Linda Wright.