Treasurer’s November 2024 Report to Congregation

For the fifth consecutive month pledge income has been close to 50% of the monthly budget, with  November’s amount at 48%. Current year pledges received this FY totaled $9,985 in November and  $46,543 fiscal year-to-date, or 18.6% of budget compared to our 41.7% target. With prepaid pledges  included, current year pledge receipts are 48% of annual budget. November receipts for other recurring income of $1,291 brings our current year total to 68% of the budgeted amount. Total budgeted income for the month was $11,276, or 50% of the monthly budget. In addition to the $15,000 withdrawal in October, $12,000 was transferred from our Vanguard short-term bond fund to our Synovus Bank account in November in order to maintain an adequate cash balance. 

November’s budgeted expense total was $20,689, or 75% the monthly budgeted amount. Budgeted  expenses for the Administration, Religious Exploration and Minister categories ranged from 5% to 8%  below their respective monthly budgets. Building and Grounds expenses for November were 71% of  monthly budget, bringing the YTD total to about 4% below target. Music expenses were only 15% of  monthly budget due to the music director vacancy. Committee expenses were 25% of monthly budget and 16% of year-to-date budget. The total of all year-to-date budgeted expenses is at 34% of budget, or 7% below target. Budgeted expenses exceeded income by $9,413 for the month and $51,079 fiscal year-to-date. A loss of $865 was realized on the sale of Vanguard bond fund shares. 

The Endowment Fund balance increased by 3.3% in November to a current balance of $1.483 million. In addition to the operating budget, the November collections of at least $100 were: 

Outreach charity 

∙ Tallahassee NAACP $129.50 

∙ Manna on Meridian $500.00 

∙ Tallahassee Food Network $124.50 

∙ Second Harvest $190.00 

Church funds 

∙ Memorial Gifts Fund $200.00 

Respectfully submitted,
Ron Clark
Disbursing Treasurer