Treasurer’s January 2020 Report to Congregation
by Ron Clark, Disbursing Treasurer,
Our year-to-date pledge collections stand at $186,133 with an annual budget of $248,558. That’s 74.9% collected during the seven months of this fiscal year, with 58.3% as the January target.
Year-to-date expenses are close to budget at $154,109 year-to-date, or 57.2% of their pro-rated 58.3% target for January.
Netting out total income from all sources and expenses, expenses exceed income for the month by $3,854, largely as a result of the $6,339 semi-annual UUA APF contribution made in January. However, income exceeds expenses by $51,898 for the year– an amount that includes prior year pledges. Even excluding prior year pledges, we are $42,169 in the black for the first seven months of the year.
Outside the operating budget, January’s Sunday plate collections included $859 for the Community Connections Event Fund, $180 for the Kearney Center and $529 for Potters For Peace training for the Kisii UU Church.
Respectfully submitted,
Ron Clark, Disbursing Treasurer