Treasurer’s February 2024 Report to the Congregation 

Pledge income in February again exceeded the monthly budgeted amount, this month by $570. Current year pledges received this fiscal year total 59.2% of budgeted amount, or 74.8% of budget when prepaid pledges are included. The February target was 66.7%. Receipts for other recurring income of $654 brings our current year total to 94.7% of budgeted amount. Total budgeted income for the fiscal year is at 63.2% of budget, or 3.5% below target.

The total of year-to-date budgeted expenses is 6.8% below target. Building and Grounds, Office Administration and Music ranged from 1.6% to 3.9% below target. Due to early year vacancies Religious Exploration and Minister year-to-date expenses were well below target, and for the month of February were 5.7% over budget and 6.3% below budget, respectively. The second half of our UUA Annual Program Fund contribution, or $7,885, was paid in February and contributed significantly toward budgeted expenses exceeding income by $12,189. Year-to-date expenses exceeded income by $30,660.

February’s $36.5K increase in the Endowment Fund resulted in a $92.4K increase in value for the fiscal year, bringing the current balance to $1.321 million.

In addition to the operating budget, the February collections of at least $100 were:

Church funds
– Minister’s Discretionary Fund $200.00
– Youth Group Fund $460.00

Outreach charity
– Tallahassee Community Action Committee $110.50
– Tallahassee NAACP $107.00