December’s pledge income of $17,091 was considerably larger than each of the previous five months, but still fell short of our monthly budget by $3,721. Current year pledges received this FY were $17,031 in December and $63,574 fiscal year-to-date, or 25.5% of annual budget compared to our 50.0% target. With prepaid pledges included, current year pledge receipts are 54.9% of annual budget. December receipts for other recurring income of $1,465 brings our current year total to 79% of the annual budgeted amount. Total budgeted income for the month was $18,556, or 83% of the monthly budget. In addition to the $15,000 and $12,000 withdrawals in October and November, respectively, $15,000 was transferred from our Vanguard short-term bond fund to our Synovus Bank account in December in order to maintain an adequate cash balance. Since July 1, 2024 our Vanguard short-term bond fund balance has been reduced from $82.5K to $42.8K.
December’s expense total was $22,350, or 83% the monthly budgeted amount. Year-to-date expenses for the Administration, Religious Exploration, Building and Grounds and Minister categories ranged from 2% to 8% below their respective targets of 50% of budget. Music expenses were only 8% of annual budget due to the music director vacancy. Committee YTD expenses were 21% of annual budget. The total of all year-to-date expenses were 41% of annual budget, or 9% below target. Budgeted expenses exceeded income by $3,795 for the month and $54,874 fiscal year-to-date. A loss of $1,094 was realized on the sale of Vanguard bond fund shares.
The Endowment Fund balance decreased by 2.2% in December to a current balance of $1.451 million. In addition to the operating budget, the December collections of at least $100 were:
Outreach charity
∙ ReThink Energy $162.00
∙ Humanists of Tallahassee $111.50
∙ Little Sunshine Pantries $126.55
Church funds
∙ Memorial Gifts Fund $100.00
∙ Minister’s Discretionary Fund $1,615.90
∙ Youth Group Fund $500.00
∙ Religious Exploration Fund $500.00
∙ Reserve Fund (for planned tree work) $3,500.00
Respectfully submitted,
Ron Clark
Disbursing Treasurer