Treasurer’s April 2024 Report to Congregation

After three consecutive months of pledge income above the budgeted amount, we fell short by almost $7,800 in April. The typical springtime spike in prepaid pledges has yet to materialize. Current year pledges received this fiscal year total 69.2% of the budgeted amount. When prepaid pledges are included, total current year pledges are at 84.7% of budget, slightly more than our target of 83.3%. Pledges prepaid for the 2024-25 FY total $11,215. The total of pledges received this FY is at 76.8% of budget, or 6.5% below target. April receipts for other recurring income of $3,487 brings our current year total to 139.6% of the budgeted amount. Total budgeted income for the fiscal year is at 79.2% of budget, or 4.1% below target.

Year-to-date expenses for Building and Grounds and Office Administration were 3.9% and 3.6% below target, respectively, and for Music were at target. Due to early year vacancies the total of year-to-date budgeted expenses is 8.4%, or more than $27,200, below target. Budgeted expenses exceeded income by $6,485 in April and $38,014 year-to-date. The Capital Improvement Fund was used to pay $2,470 for tree work and $1,500 for sidewalk concrete repair, reducing the fund balance to $369.

A collection was made to pay for the gift of a stole for Rev. Holly’s ordination at the UU Fellowship of Clemson. The $255 collected more than covered the $172 cost of the stole.

The Endowment Fund balance decreased by $50.2K in April, resulting in a $75.3K increase in value for the fiscal year, bringing the current balance to $1.304 million.

In addition to the operating budget, the April collections of at least $100 were:
Church funds
– Minister’s Discretionary Fund $200.00
Outreach charity
– Manna on Meridian $216.50

All April finance reports can be found here.

Respectfully submitted,
Ron Clark
Disbursing Treasurer