The Trial Balloon: Endowment Use

One of the characteristics of the dominant white culture in which we live is either/or thinking. Sometimes we experience a dichotomy of Yes-No, Right-Wrong, Success-Failure. However, we’re learning there might be other possibilities.

Last year the congregation was asked to fund an increase in hours and salaries for several staff by using $30,000 of endowment funds to balance the budget. The vote came down to yes or no, and yes was the answer. 

Robin Gray and Rev. Holly then invited members to talk about how our values might affect endowment use. Self-selected groups discussed the option of using the endowment to support new ventures in social and racial justice. This would extend our commitment to creating an anti-racist, multicultural Beloved Community beyond our walls.

Another concern also emerged. Our values led us to wonder if the endowment could ensure that the congregation’s shared spaces become more accessible, welcoming, and well-maintained. This third possibility lets us expand into a multi/and approach, acknowledging that there’s more than one or two answers to every question. 

The multi/and proposal under consideration, visualized as a trial balloon, would withdraw 5% of the prior 3-year average of the endowment each year, and divide that into 50% for the operating budget; 30% for the Capital Improvement Fund; and, 20% for a Social Justice Fund. 

This is a trial balloon. It is open to refinement and change. Suggestions made so far include: making the withdrawal amount more flexible – from 4-6% in any given year; equalizing the Capital Improvement and Social Justice allocations; including language that protects the principle; and determining how to balance the budget with what would be a lesser amount available for operating expenses.

In the spirit of multi/and thinking UUCT needs more conversation about the trial balloon for endowment use. Send your suggestions to Robin Gray ( at any time. More than that, watch for more open conversations around around endowment use as they are scheduled. Make time to share your continuing deliberations on using the endowment.