The Share the Plate Program is One of the Ways that UU’s Live Their Values.

Each Sunday, the offertory plate collection is shared between UUCT and a designated non-profit organization. These organizations are nominated by UUCT Members and Supporting Friends. Each non-profit organization must meet the following criteria:

  • The organization serves the local Big Bend area.
  • The mission of the organization focuses on food justice, housing justice, racial justice, or environmental justice.
  • The organization must be a 501 (c ) (3) non-profit organization.
  • The UUCT Member or Supporting Friend submitting the applicationi has a connection to the organization through volunteering or financial support.

Please note: Organizations currently funded by Share the Plate must be renominated to be considered for 2025-2026

The Member or Supporting Friend will champion their organization by 

  1. writing a brief statement to be shared via the Meridian newsletter and church social media, and
  2. making a 2–4-minute presentation during worship service on the appropriate Sundays.

You may also invite a representative from the organization to make a presentation at the church.

This past year, recipients included food distribution centers like Manna on Meridian, homeless services like the Kearney Center, and racial justice proponents like the Tallahassee NAACP.

We invite you to become a Share the Plate champion for a local non-profit organization that you support. If your group is added to our program, you will be raising its profile and financial resources. Last year, the program collected over $10,000 that was distributed to the selected organizations.

The application form is online. Please click this link to apply:  2025-26 Share the Plate Application Form Paper copies of the application form are available in the back of the Sanctuary.  Please submit applications by February 28, 2025.

Please contact Marty Beech or Linda Crawford for more information ( ).