Speaker: Rev. Holly Brown

Hopefulness and Hope-filled

According to an old Italian proverb- hope is the last thing ever lost. This week we explore how mindfulness and hopefulness are interconnected. They both have the power to nourish our minds and our spirits. Can we find ourselves hope-filled through the practice of mindfulness?

We Need One Another!

We need one another! In times of change this is even more true and UUCT is going through many changes. As part of this service we offer our thanks the outgoing members of the Board and offer blessings for those serving on the Board in the coming year.

Reflecting on General Assembly

This service offers an opportunity for members that attended the UUA General Assembly in June to share some key learnings from their experiences. Serving as a voting delegate allows UUCT to participate in the direction of the denomination and all that attend have the opportunity to connect more deeply with our larger faith community.


This weekend many will be celebrating Independence Day, but what does independence mean in a world where everyone isn’t free? Rather than focusing on independence, you are invited to consider our Interdependence with one another and how that connects to the 7th Principle.

Simple Acts of Kindness

We live in a world in need of more kindness. Often times people are nice, but niceness does not always equate kindness. You will be invited to share examples of kindness during the service.

What Does Beloved Community Mean to You?

Let us consider what Beloved Community means in this community of communities here at UUCT and in our shared UU faith. We will celebrate adopting the 8th Principle and invite you to share your message of what Beloved Community means to you during the service. Perhaps these messages can help shape the future of the […]

Celebrating a Riot!

The first PRIDE was a riot! Now there are pride parades and events throughout the year, many in June near the anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising. Today we honor both the celebrations and the sorrows of such anniversaries.

Celebrating Blessings

What are the blessings in our lives that sustain us? Let us be inspired by our first source which states: Direct experience of that transcending mystery and wonder, affirmed in all cultures, which move us to a renewal of the spirit and an openness to the forces which create and uphold life.

Nurturing Trust

Building trust takes time but it can be broken in a moment and all the more complex to rebuild. The breach in trust can have long-lasting impacts in families, churches, or organizations. Being a covenantal faith calls us work to repair and nurturing relationships. You now have the opportunity to attend worship in person (no reservations […]

Beauty of Community

This Sunday, we welcome and celebrate the newest members of the congregation. Our vision statement reminds us that we are a community of communities diverse in body and spirit. To more fully live into this as a congregation we strive to create a space where people can bring their whole selves. You now have the opportunity […]