Speaker: Rev. Holly Brown

Let the Center Hold Us

As individuals and as a faith community we are impacted by external factors. The bonds of community have the power to help ground us as we navigate the changes of life. The beauty of the living tradition which Unitarian Universalism embodies is that it grows with us while offering connection to shared values. Join Zoom […]

Finding Our Center

This week, we consider what helps us find our center through meditation. What holds you, in times of new beginnings as we enter a new year. What grounds you or provides a sense of comfort when you face challenges? Join via Zoomhttps://us06web.zoom.us/j/84631023940 Meeting ID: 846 3102 3940

Wonder of Community

This Sunday we will hold a nontraditional service with a couple common elements. The primary focus will be the opportunity to be in community both on zoom and in person. You are invited to share some fond/favorite holiday celebrations. Join via Zoomhttps://us06web.zoom.us/j/84631023940 Meeting ID: 846 3102 3940

Christmas Eve Service

Join us for a hybrid Christmas Eve Service to share biblical accounts of the birth of Jesus, reflections and carols. Attendees will be invited to participate in a no-rehearsal pageant, singing, and passing the flame during Silent Night. Our zoom participants will kick off passing the flame and then move to those in the sanctuary […]

The Wonder of Winter Holidays

There are several religious traditions that celebrate winter holidays. This week we will explore some of those through stories, music, readings, and reflections.

Where Do We Wonder?

Where do you find wonder, in nature, in community, in faith, in covenant? As a faith tradition we uphold the free and response for truth and meaning in our 4th Principle. This principle speaks to where and perhaps how we wonder, to how we make meaning. As part of this service, Rev Holly invites all […]

The Wonder of Wondering

Have you ever wondered where our different practices as UUs come from? Some are completely unique to UUs such as the chalice in the ways we use it while others have borrowed things from other faith traditions. There can be a fine line between honoring someone else’s traditions and appropriating them as our own.

The Roots of Change

Inspired by the words of Howard Zinn, let us consider the ways our small actions, forms of protest have the ability to take root and create social change.

The Tipping Point

There comes a time when we must acknowledge the cultural shifts happening around us. Some of these shifts are in the narratives we share during this season that call us to let go of harmful narratives that perpetuate colonialism.

The Churn of Change

Things are always changing and that can at times be scary, but we need not be ruled by our fears. We can move into this liminal time with hope and imagination.