Post-Pandemic “Churching”

The changes and technical improvements that grew out of the pandemic increased our potential to build a community where we are all valued and feel connected. The combination of in-person and online experiences is our future, and that’s good news!

Livestreamed Sunday services extend the spirit of the congregation to those at another location (and even at another time, through recordings).

Why do we attend online? We are in recuperation. We feel safer at home because something is “going around.” We live at a distance. We don’t drive in threatening weather. We don’t drive. We are immunocompromised. We are traveling. Our week has been overly busy, and we need to cocoon at home!

The livestream also reaches potential visitors. You have a friend, new to Tallahassee or to UUism, interested but not ready to attend; the livestream is one way they can learn more.

Everyone wants to feel connected, not “on the outside looking in.” We appreciate that Rev. E.N. Hill is modeling real inclusion, making choices that engage those online with those in person. Every time we remind someone to “Wait for the mic!” or repeat an off- mic comment on-mic, or pause while online participants respond via the chat—take a moment to appreciate that our beloved community extends beyond our walls.

We are learning together. Here’s how you can help:

  • Not all solutions are technical! If you haven’t seen someone for a while, whether you are attending in person or online, reach out; make the phone call, drop a note in the mail.
  • Since May, UUCT has offered a blended Zoom social time on the veranda on most Sundays, with the online and in-person community meeting “face to face.” Whether you’ve participated or not, we’d appreciate any comments or ideas about inclusion that you’d like to share. What works? What doesn’t? What’s missing? Drop by the Zoom table on the veranda or join us online after the Sunday service. You may also send an email: