Each year, we start planning for the budget for the next fiscal year in early December. The church’s committees, ministry teams, and staff put together their requests for staff compensation, programs, and other budgets. These requests are reviewed by the UUCT Finance Committee, the Board, and the Budget Planners. After church on February 2 and February 9, you will have a chance to discuss the Asking Budget, as well as ideas for the future of UUCT after Rev. E.N. Hill leaves. A Congregational Meeting will be held after church on February 16 where members of the congregation will vote on the Asking Budget.

The Pledge Drive is used in determining the actual income for FY 2026. You are asked to increase your pledge this year so that UUCT can continue the level of programming we enjoy. Our ministry teams and committees are humming with activity! If you have attended a GLOW Team meeting this year, you’ve witnessed the passion we have for UUCT.  Rev. E.N. Hill has brought joy to the pulpit and leaves us ready to explore new ways of leadership after he departs at the end of June. All of this requires financial support for UUCT to continue to thrive. 

UUCT is wholly self-supporting. Our activities depend directly on us, the members and supporting friends of UUCT, to provide needed financial resources and volunteer services. We value the support and services of our Minister, Office Administrator, Director of Religious Exploration, Music Director, Sexton, and AV Tech Specialist. They help to ensure that UUCT provides what we value from our church: a supportive and like-minded community, the opportunities for spiritual growth, thoughtful Sunday services, and many other ways we gather as a community of communities.


Important dates to remember:

  • April 13, 2025 Joint Final Budget Meeting to finalize the 2025-26 UUCT Budget
  • May 4 & 11, 2025 UUCT Discussion Meetings to share the 2025-26 UUCT Final Budget*
  • May 18, 2025 Congregational Meeting to vote on the Final Budget and the Slate of Candidates for Nominating Committee and Board**

*Please choose one of these to attend. No need to attend both.

**VERY important to attend-requires a 40% quorum of qualified members.

 All of these meetings will be held in person and via Zoom. 

In Community,

Marty Beech, Sally Andersen, and Annette Pearce (Your Canvass Team)

Pledge Drive Frequently Asked Questions
Ways to Make Pledge Payments
Electronic Pledge Form

Check out the videos below to see what inspires others to give to UUCT.

Why I Give Testimonial by Kay Stuart-Tilley
Why I Give Testimonial by Lee Chipps-Walton
Why I Give Testimonial by Aun-Drey Brown
Why I Give Testimonial given by Chase Den Beste
Why I Give Testimonial given by Greg DeAngelo

We create our future, by well improving present opportunities: however few and small they are.
Lewis Howard Latimer