Greetings Beloveds,
As we move into the summer, there are many blessings for us to celebrate following the congregational meetings. The theme for June is “Celebrating Blessings.” Let us consider all of the ways that we can celebrate the ways that we can be in community with one another, restrengthen the connections, and build new bonds.
This month we offer our thanks to Valarie Howington for the time she has served as our guest musician during Angel’s sabbatical. We have been truly blessed by the music Valarie and her husband Jerry and her son Cody. During this time we have also welcomed Zachary Moreau as a vocalist and the continued presence of Natalie Binder to provide beautiful music in Angel’s absence. We welcome back Angel and look forward to learning about his experiences while he was away on his sabbatical in April and May. I know that he will be excited to find we have resumed congregational singing when he returns this week.
There will be more opportunities to get together for fun activities and opportunities to connect in conversation. There will be a game day event happening in June and folx of all ages will be invited to play lawn games, board games, or just chat with one another. Stay tuned for more detailed information coming soon.
Lastly, this month, I will begin holding community office hours at different locations, dates, and times. These will be announced in various ways. This Friday, June 10th , I will be at the Black Dog Café at Lake Ella from Noon to 2 pm. Drop in for a chat. I’ll buy you a beverage and snack.
May you be well, Rev. Holly
About the author
Rev. Holly Brown, Interim Minister
Rev. Holly (they/them/theirs) was ordained on April 3, 2021, by Piedmont Unitarian Universalist Church in Charlotte and Salisbury, NC, where they served as a ministerial intern. Rev. Holly earned their Master of Divinity from Methodist Theological School in Ohio (MTSO) with a special focus on UU courses offered by the UU House of Studies at MTSO. During seminary, they served as a student minister at North Unitarian Universalist Church in Lewis Center, Ohio and student chaplain during one unit of Clinical Pastoral Education at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. Rev. Holly also served as an Interim Director of Religious Education at the UU Congregation of Greenville, NC before perusing ministry.
Rev. Holly has a passion for Racial Justice, LGBTQIA Rights, Interfaith Work, and Mental Health Awareness and Accessibility Justice. In addition to local justice work, Rev. Holly is a member of several UUA and UUMA (UU Ministers Association) groups including TRUUsT (Trans Religious professional Unitarian Universalists Together), Trans/Nonbinary Ministers, Ministers with Disabilities, ARE (Allies for Racial Equity), and the UU Mental Health Network.