Greetings Beloveds,
The stories that we tell, sharing who we are with one another and with the world can be powerful and sharing deeply requires a level of vulnerability that can at times be uncomfortable. This month we explore the theme of vulnerability in services and in small groups. I invite you to share some of your stories with one another in conversations around gatherings or after services or making plans with others in the congregation to foster a deeper sense of connection.
Recently, there was a Study/Action Workshop held over the course of 8 weeks reflecting on the Widening the Circle of Concern report. The group participating identified several actions that UUCT could work on. One of the top recommendations, was to find ways to share our stories more. These stories could include the story of the congregation, the denomination, as groups within the congregation, and as individuals.
Do you have a topic or passion that is near and dear to your heart that you would like to share with the congregation? If so, I invite you to consider sharing it, especially if it speaks to our UU values. There are a few ways to do that – you could lead or co-lead a service, possibly form a group that could discuss or plan actions around a particular cause, by submitting a recommendation for a Share the Plate recipient if there is a local non-profit group you are affiliated with that meets the requirements. If you would like to explore the possibility of leading a service or forming a group please email
May you be well, Rev. Holly
About the author
Rev. Holly Brown, Interim Minister
Rev. Holly (they/them/theirs) was ordained on April 3, 2021, by Piedmont Unitarian Universalist Church in Charlotte and Salisbury, NC, where they served as a ministerial intern. Rev. Holly earned their Master of Divinity from Methodist Theological School in Ohio (MTSO) with a special focus on UU courses offered by the UU House of Studies at MTSO. During seminary, they served as a student minister at North Unitarian Universalist Church in Lewis Center, Ohio and student chaplain during one unit of Clinical Pastoral Education at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. Rev. Holly also served as an Interim Director of Religious Education at the UU Congregation of Greenville, NC before perusing ministry.
Rev. Holly has a passion for Racial Justice, LGBTQIA Rights, Interfaith Work, and Mental Health Awareness and Accessibility Justice. In addition to local justice work, Rev. Holly is a member of several UUA and UUMA (UU Ministers Association) groups including TRUUsT (Trans Religious professional Unitarian Universalists Together), Trans/Nonbinary Ministers, Ministers with Disabilities, ARE (Allies for Racial Equity), and the UU Mental Health Network.