Message from the DRE: Welcome Back!

Hello friends, and welcome back!

The official Fall 2024 RE Kickoff is Sunday, 9/8. That means the Nursery will be fully staffed, Youth Group comes back with the Breakfast CLUUB (every other week before service), and weekly Elementary RE begins after the Time for All Ages. 

Here is a new child registration form for 2024-2025. Please complete this Registration Form for each of your children who may participate in UUCT Religious Exploration programs in 2024-2025.

Are you excited about supporting RE this year? We will have a Fall-Planning Coffee and Tea with the DRE Meeting after service on 9/8. Let me know if you want to get on the volunteer list! 

There are some changes to the childcare provider staff team: Skyler’s last Sunday is 9/1. If you didn’t get to sign his card or wish him well, feel free to let me know any well wishes you’d like me to send his way. Our new team of four staff members will join us for their first Sunday on 9/8. The four new childcare providers’ names are Sasha, Kendra, Zoe, and Audrey. 

In Adult RE news, Date with Death Club is back for a Fall series! We are meeting on the 4th Saturday of the next few months from 1-3pm.

As for other upcoming Fall events, you can always check out this document that is always being updated: UUCT YRE Expectations and Goals 2024-2025. Here’s a sneak peek at some of what’s coming in the next two months:

  • Banned Books Week is 9/22-9/28 this year. Join us on 9/22 after service for an all ages read-in event.
  • The Climate Justice Revival event team at UUCT is collaborating with RE for all ages. There will be child, youth, and adult activities on Saturday 10/5 and a multigenerational service on Sunday 10/6.
  • Instead of a Trunk or Treat this year, we will be having a Trick or Treat the Church event: UUCT groups/families/friends will pick a door at the church to decorate before service on Sunday, 10/27. After service, the kids will trick or treat at the doors! We’ll also have some other festivities around campus, such as outdoor games and a small bonfire. 

Here’s to making the best of the rest of this too-hot summer!