Religious Exploration

“Very early, I knew that the only object in life was to grow.”
Margaret Fuller
This is the spirit that animates Religious Exploration (RE) at UUCT. We grow by probing our experiences and our thoughts to gain a greater understanding of our place in the universe. We grow in interchanges with people of all ages. We can choose all our lives to explore without an end in sight.
Religious Exploration happens at Sunday services, in classes, discussion groups, and when we gather to extend mercy and promote justice. All of these are collaborations between RE professionals, the Minister, Music Director, and volunteers.
For Children and Youth
RE Updates
RE Updates
- The YRE Winter Giving Project is wrapping up beautifully! RE friends helped out at Manna throughout the winter, brought small monetary donations to RE, and shared about other ways they’ve donated money, time, and energy to causes they care about. We also engaged in democracy by voting for two Share the Plate partners to whom we’d like to donate our collection: Manna on Meridian and The Indaba Theatre of Florida.
- The middle and high school youth group overnight event Con-Noodle was awesome! We hosted about 30 youth and advisors from UUCT, Jacksonville, and Sarasota to explore UU values and ideas around love, empowerment, trust, and pasta! Thanks for all those who helped out and donated food!
- We are working to bring Our Whole Lives (OWL) Sexuality Education to our community this year. This is especially pertinent to justice and equity because sex-ed is under attack in Florida. We had a Zoom meeting recently and covered the following:
- FLASH, a free program similar to OWL for middle school/high school youth begins this month. Sign up here.
- In the summer, we’re hoping to offer a camp built around elementary OWL and elements of Harmony Camp.
- Date with Death Club started last month! This monthly Adult Religious Exploration program happens again on 3/14. This exploration empowers participants to look at death with creativity, reality, and curiosity. We’d love for you to join us as we focus on hospice, palliative care, and end of life documents.
For more information, contact the Director of Religious Exploration:
Alessandra Nysether-Santos at
For Adults
Date with Death Club started! This monthly Adult Religious empowers participants to look at death with creativity, reality, and curiosity. We’d love for you to join us as we focus on hospice, palliative care, and end of life documents.
Adult Religious Exploration at UUCT has covered a variety of topics over the last several years. Many of the workshops have been offered with a Zoom and an in-person option to ensure that more people have the opportunity to participate. Examples of Religious Exploration offerings are found here.