Green Sanctuary’s Good News Corner – July 2024

Here are some short, interesting stories that bring hope that change, and innovation are indeed possible. Click on the highlighted links to read more about the details of each story.

A momentous day for nature’: EU approves first-of-its-kind law that could bring back biodiversity
After months of deliberations, the EU’s Nature Restoration Law has finally been approved. The first-of-its kind regulation aims to restore Europe’s damaged ecosystems and boost biodiversity. It’s goal is to restore at least 20 per cent of the EU’s land and sea areas by 2030, and all degraded ecosystems by 2050.

The time of the whole car city is over’: How is Paris encouraging walking and cycling?
From big picnics to car-free days and new cycle lanes, Paris is speeding ahead with sustainable transport initiatives. Paris now boasts more than 1,300 kilometres of bicycle lanes, 500 kilometres of which were rolled out between 2014 to 2020. 30 km worth of new lanes have been added both in and outside the city centre for the Olympics.

Install and forget’ soil-powered batteries could bring cheap, clean energy to farms in Europe
Bacteria-powered batteries could soon supply farms with cheap, sustainable energy. UK startup Bactery draws on the electrons produced by bacteria in soil to harvest clean electricity from the earth. Its soil-rechargeable batteries have the potential to work around the clock – and around the world.

Clean energy: Portugal will begin building its largest wind farm early next year
A new wind farm in Portugal has obtained environmental approval from the government – and once built it will become the country’s largest.  Renewable energy company Iberdrola will integrate the plant into the Tâmega pumped- storage hydro complex in northern Portugal. The new wind farm will have a capacity of 274 MW, able to support the annual consumption of 128,000 homes.