Green Sanctuary’s Food for Thought Discussion Group Takes the Summer Off

As the month of June appears in the rear-view mirror, July is roaring in like a blow torch. Thankfully, only one named Tropical storm at this point, so let’s hope things remain calm.

For the next two months our Green Sanctuary Food for Thought discussion group will be taking a summer break. But don’t worry, I’ll still pass along some interesting materials for you to chew on for these next two months. For this month I’m sharing a book suggestion, info on government subsidies of unhealthy foods, a new strategy by the Biden Administration to reduce food waste, and a protein factsheet you can use to impress your friends.

Look for another installment of reading material in August during our break but I’ll see you all in September when we fire back up in person. Also, Green Sanctuary would like to offer another Movie and a Meal fundraiser in September, so please make a commitment to make this event a success. We need people for set-up, take-down, publicity, greeters/cashiers, and of course cooks and servers. The date hasn’t been set yet but we’re looking at the calendar to find a suitable time. The documentary “Artifishal” is a contender and deals with the depletion of our ocean food resources and possible solutions. So, get fired up and let me know how you’d like to help out. If you have any questions or suggestions just email