Food for Thought Makes a Date with Death

This month our Green Sanctuary’s Food for Thought discussion group will be doing something completely different. We’re launching into a collaboration with the adult religious exploration’s Date with Death discussion group. This month we will be listening to a presentation on the various ways bodies are dealt with after death – from conventional burials to cryomation – and highlighting how greener options of body disposition play into our commitments as a Green Sanctuary Church. Both groups, Food for Thought and Date with Death are cordially invited to our second Sunday of the month meeting on June 9 th at 12:30 after the Sunday service.

This presentation will provide a great background for two events that the Adult RE’s Date with Death discussion group will be hosting for another collaboration with the Food for Thought discussion group on June 15th and 16th . Keep an eye out for their Meridian article describing both in detail.

So, until the 9th , you’ll all have a chance to give a little thought as to how you’ll send yourselves off to your preferred after-life experience. We will Zoom this meeting to accommodate as many people as possible. See you all at UUCT in Room L at 12:30pm on June 9th.