Final Message from the Minister

Hello Beloveds,

Saying goodbye is never easy! I’ve found it more difficult than I expected it to be since I’ve known it was coming from the start. Since I knew it was coming I wanted to intentionally make time and in multiple ways for us to say our goodbyes over these last few weeks. 

The time has arrived for our shared ministry to come to an end and with that comes some measure of sadness and loss for what has been. In the midst of sadness there is also joy, so much gladness for what has been, celebrating all of the things we have accomplished together in the last two years. So much has happened it is hard to believe that it has just been two years and at the same time, it feels like it can’t have possibly been two years already. I arrived as the Delta wave of the pandemic hit and that impacted how we connected initially. We found ways to connect and those methods have changed several times over as new technologies have been integrated. You all have acknowledged that change is necessary to sustain the church through the adoption of the 8th Principle, experimenting with the governance structure, discussing how to use the endowment, and changes to the stewardship/canvass process among other changes during this interim period.

You have shown up for this faith, for each other, for the life of this congregation in myriad ways. I am honored to have journeyed alongside you all in these last two years. While we move into the next two years we will not see or talk to one another in the same ways. My leave taking makes space for you all to carry the ministry forward and for a new minister to serve you in all of the ways that you deserve. I must also make space for a new congregation as I move to serve the UU Fellowship in Clemson in South Carolina starting in August.

I want to be really clear, that just because I’m no longer your minister, I will be carrying you all with me in my heart. You have made such a difference in my growth as a minister and I will cherish the things that we have learned together. I will forever carry a piece of this congregation with me into all of my future ministry settings. I am sure our paths will cross in the future and I look forward to learning about all that you will continue to accomplish together in years to come. 

Today, July 18th will be my last working day in Tallahassee prior to my departure. I will be taking the remainder of my vacation leave to move and my official last day as Interim Minister will be July 31st. Between July 19th-31st, I will not be checking emails but I will be available for emergencies or last minute questions via my Google Voice number. Please text or call 850-739-1930 if you need anything during this time. Please email if you need general assistance.

After August 1st, my Google Voice number will be disconnected, and I will no longer be using either the or emails. The office will have a way to reach me regarding specific circumstances, but I will no longer be available for day to day operational or ministerial roles.  

Wishing you all the best in the journey ahead. 

May you be well, Rev. Holly Brown