Message from the DRE: February 2025

Happy Imbolc, friends!

We are at the midwinter point, out of the darkest days and entering the earliest signs of spring. May we continue to cultivate balances of rest and community engagement. Now more than ever, as always, may our connections with one another sustain us in these difficult times. 

Read on for lifespan RE updates and Sunday schedules from the Director of Religious Exploration.

UUCT Parenting Circle is meeting monthly online. Join us the second Tuesday of the month in an online space after bedtime for parents and caretakers to be together and support one another. The next meeting is on Tuesday, 2/11/25 from 8:15-9:15pm on Zoom: 

Meeting ID: 853 1683 5444

Passcode: 197500

Mini Harmony Camp 2025: Save the Date Would your child be interested in a UUCT summer camp on the days of 5/27-5/30 (four days long), the week after LCS schools close for Summer school and a short week because Memorial Day on 5/26.

Grades 4-6 OWL is happening! Our Whole Lives (OWL) was created because “honest, accurate information about sexuality changes lives. It dismantles stereotypes and assumptions, builds self-acceptance and self-esteem, fosters healthy relationships, improves decision making, and has the potential to save lives. For these reasons and more, we are proud to offer Our Whole Lives (OWL), a comprehensive, lifespan sexuality education curricula for use in both secular settings and faith communities.” 

Interested in OWL for other age groups? Email me to be on the OWL updates list. We hope to offer a K-1 session later in 2025 and are considering offering the Parents and Caregivers as Sexuality Educators learning as well. I’d also love to hear about your interest in middle and high school sessions as well as adult sessions.

RE and Nursery Volunteers With grades 4-6 OWL going and with one staff member out for parental leave after having a baby, we need some volunteer support for RE! 

Are there any Sundays from 10:30am-12:30pm that you’re willing and able to help between 2/9 and 3/30?

Date with Death Club New and returning participants of Date with Death Club at UUCT are invited to join us for the first DwDC Support Group on Saturday, 2/15, from 1:00-3:30pm in the Sanctuary or on Zoom. In February, we’ll start with completing Five Wishes documents. Some copies will be available, but you can also bring an electronic device to access a digital version. 

Sign up for the Date with Death Club Support Group here:  

What is this support group for DwDC? 

When we wrapped up DwDC last year, we talked about building a new space that utilizes Date with Death Club materials in a community-supported space so folks can work together to complete tasks like the Five Wishes or one’s own obituary. Join us on the third Saturdays of the month from February – May 2025 to learn more!

Youth Group in Winter 2025  Breakfast CLUUB: Once a month on Sunday mornings before service from 9:30-10:30am, teens will meet in Room 3 for a youth-led and advisor-supported space to explore community and faith formation with their peers.

Thursday Night YG: Once a month on Thursday evenings, we get together for an event such as bonfires, movie nights, and more!

Youth Group Meetings Winter 2025 (Jan-Mar)


2/6/25 Thursday 7:00 – 9:00pm Room 3: Valentines’ Rom-Com Roast

2/16/25 Sunday 9:30 – 10:30am Room 3: Breakfast CLUUB


3/2/25 Sunday 9:30 – 10:30am Room 3: Breakfast CLUUB

3/20/25 Thursday Time? Place? Spring Equinox?
What do YOUU think this event should be about?

(subject to change based on staff/volunteer availability)

  • 2/2 Sunday
    • 11am: Multi-gen service (no RE; nursery open 9:30-1:30)
  • 2/9 Sunday (Alessandra out of town; a volunteer would be helpful!)
    • 11am: Elementary RE after TFAA, nursery open 9:30-1:30
  • 2/16 Sunday
    • 9:30am: Youth Group Breakfast CLUUB
    • 11am: Elementary RE after TFAA, nursery open 9:30-1:30
  • 2/23 Sunday
    • 11am: Elementary RE after TFAA, nursery open 9:30-1:30

May your February be beautiful!