Fall 2023 Congregational Survey Highlights

During the first three weeks of December, Members and Supporting Friends were invited to share their ideas and opinions in a survey on a variety of issues related to UUCT. Committee members Sally Andersen, Erika Frisby, and Phyllis Thomson were pleased with the congregation’s response to the survey and appreciated all who participated.

The thirty questions provided much food for thought! Here is a summary of the responses to a few of those questions that stood out.

How long have you been affiliated with UUCT?

0-5 years 34%
6-10 12%
11-20 23%
20+ 31%

How important to you are the following components of a Sunday church experience?

The top five responses were:
Choir/soloists/instrumentalists 43%
Homily 41%
Social time on the veranda 32%
Time For All Ages 29%
Meditation/prayer 28%

Responsibility for a successful church is shared among the minister, other staff,
lay leadership, and the congregation. Which priorities do you consider to be the most important for our minister?

The top five responses were:
Fostering a sense of community 81%
Presenting stimulating worship services 80%
Providing pastoral care 67%
Encouraging volunteers and developing lay leadership 43%
Assuring efficient and effective church administration 40%

A sequence of questions regarding revision of UUCTs Mission and Vision statements yielded these results:

About 65% of respondents said they liked the statements as they are and not to change them.
About 25% suggested keeping some parts of the statements, and changing some parts.
About 10% suggested changing the Mission and Vision statements altogether, with low interest in being involved in the process.

The survey results are posted at the link below. Please note: the short answer responses and individual comments have been excluded due to confidentiality concerns. Thank you.
