GLOW stands for Growing, Leading Ourselves Whole. It is the creation of past UUCT board president Kay Stuart-Tilley, as she pondered how the nuts and bolts work of keeping UUCT afloat as well as the many ministries that help us carry out our mission and vision could proceed. The meetings are open to anyone with a few hours to donate to solve a particular problem or an interest in helping the many ministries of the church grow and nurture all of us.
March 16, 2025 meeting will be held in the sanctuary
GLOW meetings are the third Sunday of each month following service at 12:30 pm in Room L and on Zoom https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84631023940?pwd=TjVyWWQreG9Jb1VDY2dLUTdoUkVGQT09
Meeting ID: 846 3102 3940
Passcode: chalice