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Unitarian Universalist Church of Tallahassee

2810 N Meridian Rd
Tallahassee, FL 32312


Facility Rental Information


Thursday, Mar 27 2025


7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Science Explorers UUCT

Science Explorers meet weekly to examine topics related to scientific advancements, historical events and current challenges such as climate change, international relations and political affairs. This will be accomplished by viewing and discussing online videos presented by research scientists, authors and other academicians qualified to speak on the topic of interest. We will occasionally invite local experts to make presentations on topics in their fields of interest when the opportunity arises.

The presentation will begin with an introduction of the speaker for the evening’s topic, relevant background of the subject and a description of the primary points that the speaker will be delivering. The presentation will be viewed or given, after which a comment and discussion period will be conducted. Join us to allow your curiosity and imagination to take flight.

Programs will be held on every Thursday (except Holidays), UUCT Room L

For more information contact William Riedell at 850-544-5518