Manna on Meridian Pantry Distribution
Manna on Meridian is a combined food pantry supported by five local churches. They rotate responsibility for filling paper bags with canned goods and distributing food. The assistance provided by Manna is a gift without questions asked. No federal funds are accepted, nor does Manna purchase food from federally supported programs, both of which would require identification and proof of need.
Food is distributed the third Saturday of each month using our drive-thru distribution between 8-10 am to protect the health and well-being of everyone involved. A group of volunteers will distribute groceries and produce to recipients in their cars. Also, we will not offer the clothing closet or hospitality table (and we are not accepting clothing donations at this time).
To help with the distribution on a) arrive at Faith Presbyterian at 7am to set up for the distribution and/or b) arrive by 8am to distribute food. This is a great activity for middle and high school students needing volunteer hours. Students needing their volunteer hours form signed should see Shellie Camp on the day of the distribution.
In the last few months, we have been distributing groceries to approximately 250 households so extra volunteers are deeply appreciated.
Thank you for your faithful support of the Manna ministry. The donations to this ministry have been generous during the pandemic and have allowed us to serve more members of our community.
For more information, contact manna@uutallahassee.org.