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Unitarian Universalist Church of Tallahassee

2810 N Meridian Rd
Tallahassee, FL 32312


Facility Rental Information


Sunday, Aug 11 2024


1:00 pm - 2:30 pm

Djembe Workshop

Rhythmic Roots and the Unitarian Universalist Church of Tallahassee are honored to announce a new year of djembe workshops.  Come join our workshops on the second and third Sundays of each month, from 1:00 -2:30 p.m. in the UUCT Sanctuary.

These workshops are designed to help students develop a fundamental understanding of critical aspects of traditional West African drum rhythms. In addition, workshops will teach and reinforce salient principals such as call, response, unison, vocalization, improvisation and layering, to name a few.  Initially, students will be introduced to different types of African drums and rhythms and how each connect us to our ancestral roots. Students will practice working as a unit to express these traditional West African rhythms. By the end of the workshops, students will be able to achieve the objectives set forth in each respective workshop. The workshops will focus much attention on the origins and purpose of various West African rhythms. Students will also gain ability to properly execute three basic tones, and play calls and breaks on djembe. Lastly, students will obtain knowledge about proper storage of the djembe, tuning techniques and drum building.

Key Objectives

-Warm-up activity

-Practice calls and breaks

-Learn three basic djembe techniques

-Discuss origin of Rhythm
-Practice rhythm

-Discuss storage and tuning of djembe

This class will reinforce the rhythms and focus on supervised practice and longer periods of playing time.
Tuition is 

$15 per person

$80 if you sign up for 8 workshops in advance. Tuition includes the djembe rental fee.

We will organize/sponsor two free practice sessions monthly to come together in community and jam/practice the rhythms offered in class, be in tune for those opportunities!

Instructor: Robert Allen

Rhythmic Roots is a community-based organization that strives to reach out to local and surrounding communities to stimulate healing and self-expression among all participants. Robert Allen founded Rhythmic Roots in the summer of 2018. Allen has drummed throughout Florida for over 20 years. His involvement with Paralounge and Kuumba has guided him to traditional West African drum and dance. He has had pleasure to work under the direction of Natalie and Myron Jackson and the instruction of Master drummer, Papa Cheikh N’Dong with Kuumba in Tampa Florida. In addition to Allen’s background in West African drumming, he has spent over 10 years learning and practicing the art of West African drum building. Allen has been honored to work with master drum builder Shorty Palmer, over the years. Throughout each year Rhythmic Roots participates in numerous West African drumming workshops as well as djembe building workshops. Rhythmic Roots is dedicated to keeping these long-held traditions alive.