Hello friends, and welcome back! The official Fall 2024 RE Kickoff is Sunday, 9/8. That means the Nursery will be fully staffed, Youth Group comes back with the Breakfast CLUUB (every other week before service), and weekly Elementary RE begins after the Time for All Ages. Here is a new child registration form for 2024-2025. […]
After ending last fiscal year with two months of strong pledge receipts, July’s pledge income fell considerably to $9,179, or 44% of our monthly budgeted pledge income. Current year pledges received in July totaled $7,381, but larger than usual prepaid pledges resulted in current year pledge receipts of 32.4% of budget. Prior year pledge receipts […]
UUCT’s budget of $325,883 for fiscal year 2023-24 represented an increase of $13,439, or 4.3%, over the prior year’s budget of $312,444. The largest budgeted increases in expenses were 17% for Building and Grounds and 8% for Administration, mainly for technology due to higher costs of the new audiovisual system. Minister expenses were budgeted to […]
This month’s meeting will be another somewhat unconventional meeting for us all in that we will be hosting a post carding party and further discussion about our church’s decision to proceed with UUA’s Climate Justice Revival on October 5th and 6th. The post carding party will be for all those that wish to finish up […]
The Executive Board invites everyone to attend a Special Gathering to discuss the music program at UUCT. In addition to members of the Board, members of the Committee on Ministry, as well as members of the Music Leader Search Committee and the Personnel Committee will be in attendance to listen, take note and answer questions. Please come and bring to share […]
“Dinners for Eight” is one of UUCT’s traditions that have taken a break for about a year (maybe longer…). The dinners are a great way for new and seasoned members to share fellowship with each other. Traditionally, hosts sign up to provide a location and the main dish (vegan, meat, or both) and beverages, and […]
The system is working exactly the way it was designed to work. It helps those in power to stay in power.It limits the voices of marginalized populations.It perpetuates systemic racism.Let’s break the system! Come to one of our five Capital Area Justice Meeting (CAJM) house meetings in September and October to share your stories of […]
The UK’s energy transition passed a ‘tipping point’It was the UK’s number one source of electricity for 28 years running, but gas’ carbon- belching reign is finally over. For the first time, wind has provided the bulk of the country’s electricity over an entire year. Data compiled by Imperial College London showed that over the […]
Do you want to live your best life? Do you want to give it your all? Do you want to pursue your passions? Do you want to strengthen your community and live a more fulfilled life with others? Guess what? We can do it together. What are we here for at UUCT? We are here […]
The typical springtime spike in prepaid pledges has arrived, with $24,360 received in May. Current year pledges received in May totaled $6,902, bringing the total for fiscal year to 72.0% of the budgeted amount. When prepaid pledges are included, total current year pledges are at 87.6% of budget. The total of pledges received this FY […]