Category: The Meridian

The UUCT newsletter, The Meridian, is digital and is emailed to subscribed congregation members, guests, and friends.

To subscribe to The Meridianclick here.

All the articles and announcements contained in the newsletters are below.

Who Are Our Church Board Members?

Who are our church Board Members? How can I get to know them and express my ideas? How can I ask questions? Board members will be wearing ribbons on their nametags from now on to identify themselves as “Board Member” or “Board President”. Members want to hear your thoughts about your experiences with the church and answer any questions you […]

Board Minutes: September 2024

Board-Member Attendees: Chase Den Beste, Marty Beech, Annette Pierce, Sally Anderson, Kim RossEx Officio: EN HillGuest: Committee on Ministry member Erika Frisby The meeting was called to order with a check-in from all attendees. The consent agenda was reviewed and approved without changes. The Finance Committee proposed applying for the original 501(c)(3) letter, which required […]

Treasurer’s September 2024 Report to the Congregation

September’s pledge income was 50% of the monthly budgeted amount, similar to July and August.  Current year pledges received in September totaled $10,466, but with prepaid pledges included  current year pledge receipts are 40% of budget. September receipts for other recurring income of  $2,824, including $1,975 rental income, brings our current year total to 51% […]

Green Sanctuary’s Good News Corner: November 2024

California NEVI investment of $19 million in highway EV charging infrastructure leads national efforts The California Energy Commission and California Department of Transportation have approved over $19 million in California NEVI Investment funding to expand electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure along state highways. This initiative, part of the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure program, will result […]

Board Minutes: August 2024

Board-Member Attendees: Chase Den Beste, Marty Beech, Alden Hutchison, KimRoss, Sally Andersen. Positive news was shared regarding staff feeling supported by efforts from staffliaisons. New rental activity at the church has been positive. A closed session wasannounced at the end of the meeting. A summary of budgeted versus actual expenditures was presented. Prepaid pledgesfrom the […]

Treasurer’s August 2024 Report to the Congregation

August’s pledge income was similar to July’s, slightly less than half of the monthly budgeted amount. Current year pledges received in August totaled $7,745, but with prepaid pledges included current year pledge receipts are 35.5% of budget. Prior year pledge receipts in August of $1,800 brings the prior fiscal year total to 95.3% of budget. […]